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Children cough in the summer what to do?

2022-05-28 16:53:11

Children cough in the summer, especially when the weather changes, making parents worry. In this case, how can parents protect the health of their children? This will be the topic that Hera Organic wants to share to help parents have great experiences in childcare in the summer.

Children cough in the summer, especially when the weather changes, making parents worry. In this case, how can parents protect the health of their children? This will be the topic that Hera Organic wants to share to help parents have great experiences in childcare in the summer.

The reason why children cough in the summer

Coughing is a beneficial reflex of the body to expel harmful substances from the body. Normally in the body, there are many cough-causing receptors scattered in places such as bronchi, liver... So when there is any stimulus from inflammation, infection or foreign object entering from outside. can both start the cough chain reaction.

Although coughing is a beneficial effect to protect the body, coughing profusely is no longer simply a normal response, especially in young children.

So what causes children to cough in the summer?

In the summer, there is a sudden change in temperature and humidity that makes children unable to adapt in time. Moreover, this is also the time when there are frequent outbreaks of respiratory diseases caused by viruses and bacteria such as bronchitis, pharyngitis, etc.


In the summer, there is a sudden change in temperature and humidity that makes children unable to adapt in time

Summer temperatures can sometimes reach 40 degrees Celsius, so the abuse of air conditioners is also the leading cause of cough in children.

In addition, the consumption of certain foods such as cold foods and drinks, carbonated drinks, etc. is also the cause of a sore throat in children.

Is it dangerous for children to cough in the summer?

When children cough in the summer, parents need to pay attention to how children cough? dry cough, cough with phlegm or a persistent cough? Does your child cough a lot at night or during the day? Does the child have other symptoms such as fever, sore throat, loss of appetite, fatigue?

If the child is accompanied by unusual symptoms, the mother should take the child to the nearest hospital. Do not give first aid or treat yourself when your child has symptoms of a sick cough.

Tips to help children eliminate the symptoms of a lot of cough in the summer

In order to minimize children's cough in the summer, parents need to pay attention and apply a special and proper care regime for children:

  • Use nutritious foods rich in vitamins and minerals needed by the body
  • Let your child drink enough water to avoid dehydration
  • Remember to add to the child's menu vitamin C-rich summer fruits such as oranges,
  • grapefruits and fresh vegetables.
  • Make sure your child gets enough sleep
  • Balance entertainment and rest activities for children.

Pay attention to the right room temperature

Above is information about the causes of cough in children in the summer as well as effective prevention measures. If your baby is having a sore throat, you can refer to the Auspray Propolis Spay Complex With Honey product. The product has the effect of supporting anti-oxidants, enhancing resistance, and helping to reduce the pain of sore throat caused by sore throat. For more detailed product information, customers can visit the website

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