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Children with pharyngitis and what parents need to know

2022-07-25 15:08:57

Children with granulomatous pharyngitis is a long-lasting, recurrent pharyngitis. If the disease is not treated in time, it can lead to dangerous complications. Therefore, early recognition of the causes as well as ways to prevent the disease is extremely necessary.

Children with granulomatous pharyngitis is a long-lasting, recurrent pharyngitis. If the disease is not treated in time, it can lead to dangerous complications. Therefore, early recognition of the causes as well as ways to prevent the disease is extremely necessary.

How to understand the condition of children with pharyngitis?

To put it simply, children with pharyngitis are a condition in which the mucosa in the oropharynx is inflamed for a long time, leading to the appearance of lymphocytes in the pharynx wall. These particles are often stimulated, causing the child to have a burning, uncomfortable feeling.


The condition of pharyngitis in children

Causes of children with pharyngitis

There are many causes that lead to a child's pharyngitis. Most stem from other diseases such as:

  • Children with sinusitis, chronic rhinitis cause fluid to flow down the throat wall, creating favorable conditions for bacteria and viruses to develop.
  • Children with chronic tonsillitis, gastroesophageal reflux
  • Pharyngitis can be caused by viruses or bacteria

In addition, the condition of pharyngitis in young children is also related to living habits and living environment:

  • Children often eat foods that are too spicy or too hot
  • Lazy oral hygiene, lazy brushing teeth
  • Children's living environment is polluted, with the appearance of smog and toxic substances


Symptoms of pharyngitis in children

If your child is found to be suffering from one of the following symptoms, it is likely that the child has a sore throat:

  • The child has an itchy throat or pain when eating
  • There are many tiny particles in the nasopharynx, the size of which can be the size of a toothpick or a green bean
  • Children with edema of the pharynx
  • Children have dry cough with phlegm
  • Children may have moderate or high fever, chills
  • In addition, some children also experience coughing up blood, swollen lymph nodes in the jaw. Children may experience rapid weight loss or weakness.

Measures to prevent pharyngitis in children

Parents can actively prevent pharyngitis in young children by building some good habits for their children as follows:

  • Create a habit of proper oral hygiene, eliminating favorable conditions for bacteria and viruses that cause disease
  • Regularly let children gargle with physiological saline or dilute salt water
  • Improve the living environment for children. A healthy, clean living environment that does not contain respiratory irritants
  • Do not let children eat foods that are too spicy or too hot
    Building a healthy diet, regular rest, and scientific exercise for young children


Always wear a mask for children when going out

See more: Learn effective ways of anti-oxidation

As soon as the child shows signs of the condition that the child has pharyngitis, the mother needs to fix it immediately by giving the child AUSPRAY PROPOLIS SPRAY COMPLEX WITH HONEY. The product is mainly extracted from honey, which has the effect of supporting anti-oxidants, enhancing resistance, helping to reduce sore throat caused by sore throat. Visit website for more detailed product information.

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