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Foods that are good for digestion you can't ignore

2022-07-25 15:40:56

A healthy digestive system is the foundation for us to have the best health, prevent all kinds of diseases. However, how do we get a healthy digestive system. Here are the foods that are good for digestion you should add to your daily diet.

A healthy digestive system is the foundation for us to have the best health, prevent all kinds of diseases. However, how do we get a healthy digestive system. Here are the foods that are good for digestion you should add to your daily diet.

Apples - foods that provide abundant fiber

Apples are a great source of soluble fiber for the body. The pectin present in apples supports a healthy digestive system, improves bowel movements, and limits constipation and diarrhea. In addition, an apple a day also helps reduce inflammation in the colon and intestinal infections.


Apples - foods that provide abundant fiber

Papaya - helps to improve flatulence and constipation

Papaya is a fruit that helps in protein digestion with the help of digestive enzymes. This enzyme can also ease signs of irritable bowel syndrome such as bloating and constipation.

Banana – maintain regular bowel movements

Bananas are at the top of the list of foods that are good for digestion and should be added to your daily diet. Bananas are rich in electrolytes and potassium that help improve digestion and maintain regular bowel movements. Should eat ripe bananas, should not eat overripe bananas and at this time bananas contain a large amount of sugar, which is not good for the body.


Banana – maintain regular bowel movements


Avocado – makes digestion easier

Avocado is a fruit that is very rich in fiber, many vitamins to help support effective digestion. In addition, avocado also helps to improve the overall health of the body, from the figure to the skin. Eat avocado every morning to provide enough energy for a working day. You can use butter with oats or unsweetened yogurt.

Sweet potatoes - "golden" food for the digestive system

Adding sweet potatoes in the menu will help improve the health of the digestive system, especially eating sweet potatoes with the skin will help your digestion process be more stable, and sweet potatoes also help heal ulcers. stomach and intestines. In addition, this food also aids in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.

Ginger – increases food metabolism

Ginger is a food that has the ability to increase the metabolism of food from the stomach to the small intestine so that it can accelerate the digestion process for the body. In addition, ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties and prevents unpleasant nausea.

See also: Diet for diabetics

A solution to support healthy digestion, balanced nutrition has been chosen by many families is Meriten Similk. The product helps to replace side meals, fully replenish nutrients for users, and provide necessary energy for people with poor absorption status. The product is suitable for people after illness, people after surgery or people who eat poorly. Refer to information about foods that are good for digestion that you cannot ignore through the website


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