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Heart Disease Symptoms You Can't Ignore

2022-08-17 15:14:03

Cardiovascular disease has always been one of the leading causes of death. Early recognition of the symptoms of cardiovascular disease and timely intervention is a prerequisite to help patients avoid dangers.

Cardiovascular disease has always been one of the leading causes of death. Early recognition of the symptoms of cardiovascular disease and timely intervention is a prerequisite to help patients avoid dangers.

Patient has difficulty breathing

Patients have difficulty breathing on exertion or even at rest. This symptom can signal heart failure, when the heart's contractile function does not guarantee blood supply to the body. This is a typical symptom of heart disease.


Patient has difficulty breathing

Chest pain

The lack of blood supply to the heart muscle causes the patient to experience chest pain. The patient feels like a weight is on the chest, above the navel. May present with chest pain that radiates to the chin, shoulders, or back. Angina attacks can last about 5-10 minutes and tend to be repetitive.

Doctors recommend that patients experiencing prolonged angina need absolute rest and immediately go to medical facilities for timely diagnosis and treatment.

Patient is often tired

When you often feel tired and exhausted after daily activities, even after waking up, this may be a sign of anemia to the brain, heart and lungs.

Patient has a persistent cough

When a patient has heart failure, the blood does not go to the body, and at the same time it stays in the lungs. Extravasation of fluid and blood spreads into the interstitium of the pulmonary cyst, causing a prolonged and persistent cough. Cough is worse when the person is lying down. People with heart disease can also experience coughs as a side effect of heart failure medications, such as some ACE inhibitors.


Patient has a persistent cough

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Patient has nausea and loss of appetite

Nausea and loss of appetite are most likely typical symptoms of heart failure. Patients always have a feeling of fullness in the abdomen due to blood stasis in the liver and digestive organs. This condition reduces the function of the digestive organs.

Patient dizziness and fainting

This may be indicative of a severe cardiac arrhythmia or disruption. Therefore, it is recommended that patients should immediately go to a medical facility with a cardiology specialist as soon as possible to receive an accurate examination, diagnosis and most effective treatment, to avoid missing the golden time in disease treatment.

Edema phenomenon

After waking up, you feel that your face is swollen, your eyelids are heavy, or your feet may be swollen at certain times of the day, suddenly wearing tight shoes ... then go to a medical facility immediately to be checked, as these may be symptoms of heart failure.

See also: Typical cardiovascular diseases

These are the typical symptoms of heart disease. For more detailed information about typical cardiovascular diseases, customers can visit the website

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