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Learn about the diet for people with type 2 diabetes

2022-07-15 15:09:08

To ensure health, patients with type 2 diabetes need to control their diet strictly. So what kind of diet should people with type 2 diabetes eat and avoid? Let's  answer this question in our article below.

To ensure health, patients with type 2 diabetes need to control their diet strictly. So what kind of diet should people with type 2 diabetes eat and avoid? Let's  answer this question in our article below.

What should people with type 2 diabetes eat?

If you are still wondering about what type 2 diabetics should eat, here are the menus that should be added to the daily diet, very good for the health of the patient.

Supplement with green vegetables and diet

Green vegetables have always been an extremely healthy food. This is also an indispensable food in the diet for people with type 2 diabetes. Green vegetables add abundant fiber, minerals and vitamins to the body.


Supplement with green vegetables and diet

The carbohydrate source in green vegetables also maintains satiety for a long time, avoiding overconsumption of food and minimizing blood sugar problems. The green vegetables diabetics should eat a lot like cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, asparagus, squash, peppers, green beans and onions.

Additional fruits

In the diet for people with type 2 diabetes should also add more fruits. Fruits with a low glycemic index such as oranges, tangerines, tomatoes, peaches, pears, apples, and guava should be added to the patient's daily diet. If you are confused between fresh fruit and dried fruit, it is best to use fresh fruit. Because dried fruits have been removed from the water content, the sugar content in dried fruits is also 3 times higher, which increases blood sugar levels, which is not good for diabetics.


Add beans and legumes

Legumes contain abundant fiber content, limiting the absorption of too many carbohydrates compared to other foods. Therefore, beans are the perfect choice for people with type 2 diabetes.

What should patients with type 2 diabetes not eat?

Drinks, foods with sugar

Certainly, in the diet for people with type 2 diabetes, sugary foods and drinks should not be added. These foods cause blood sugar levels to rise and are the cause of extremely dangerous health complications.


Limit sugary drinks and foods

Refined starch

Refined starch is found in rice, white bread and pasta, causing a significant increase in blood sugar of diabetics. They are also foods that contain very little fiber, so they are quickly digested, and a large amount of sugar is easily absorbed into the bloodstream.

See more: List the causes of sore throat in children

The selection of beneficial foods to add in the diet for people with type 2 diabetes is extremely important. To balance nutrition for people with diabetes, stabilize blood sugar, good for the cardiovascular system and strengthen the patient's immune system, you can refer to using Meriten Similk products. Visit website for more detailed product information.

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