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List the signs of high blood fat

2022-08-02 16:08:10

In the early stages, people with high cholesterol will not see any specific signs. However, in the long run, the symptoms of the disease will become more obvious and severe. In the following article, let's learn about the signs of high blood fat with Organic 365, you need to pay attention to detect the disease in time.

In the early stages, people with high cholesterol will not see any specific signs. However, in the long run, the symptoms of the disease will become more obvious and severe. In the following article, let's learn about the signs of high blood fat with Organic 365, you need to pay attention to detect the disease in time.

Do you often have headaches and dizziness?

One of the typical signs of high blood fat is that the patient often feels a constant headache and dizziness. The cause of this symptom is that the blood vessels that carry blood to the brain have become fibrous, creating plaques inside the artery walls that interfere with blood flow to the brain. Once the brain is not supplied with an adequate amount of blood, it will make us feel headache and dizzy. If the disease is only at level 1, the symptoms of facial pallor appear occasionally, but with grade 2 and 3, these symptoms will appear more and more often.


Do you often have headaches and dizziness?

Transient chest pain

If you often experience transient chest pain, you should go to the hospital for a checkup because this is most likely a sign that you have high blood fat. When blood fat is high, the ability to transport blood to the heart is reduced, which is the cause of mild chest pain. However, these symptoms are often not continuous but only transient and go away.

Cold and numb hands and feet

When blood cholesterol is high, it will cause blood vessels to become blocked, blood cannot flow to the limbs and thereby cause numbness and pain in the extremities.

However, if you sit for a long time, leaving your arms and legs in one place without moving can also cause this phenomenon. So to know exactly if you are experiencing signs of high blood fat, you should go to the hospital to perform diagnostic tests to get the most accurate results.


Cold and numb hands and feet

Are you constipated?

People with high cholesterol are also at risk of constipation. The reason is that the digestive system is affected by the accumulation of high fat content in the arteries, combined with an unscientific diet, causing episodes of constipation.

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Patient has vision problems

If you often see signs of blurred vision or yellowing of the eyes, go get checked out immediately. Because this is most likely a warning sign that you are having high cholesterol.

Signs of chronic fatigue and weakness

Lack of nutrients for the body, too much physical activity can also lead to fatigue. However, fatigue is also thought to be a strong indicator of high cholesterol. High blood fat content negatively affects the circulation and oxidation of cells. Therefore, if this condition appears often, you should go to the hospital for an early examination.

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The above are the signs of high blood fat you should pay attention to to detect blood fat early. MERITEN SIMILK is the perfect choice to help improve your family's health, help improve blood fat, stabilize blood sugar, and be good for the heart. In addition, this is also a great choice to help newcomers reduce fatigue, increase resistance, and quickly restore the body's suppleness and flexibility. For more advice on product information, please We invite you to visit the website


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