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Remedies for constipation in children

2022-10-25 23:54:06

Constipation in children is a problem that always makes parents feel extremely worried. In the following article, we will share home remedies for constipation in children that parents can apply effectively at home.

Constipation in children is a problem that always makes parents feel extremely worried. In the following article, we will share home remedies for constipation in children that parents can apply effectively at home.

Give your child plenty of water to drink

Parents need to pay attention to provide enough water for children every day. This is one of the remedies for constipation in children. Every morning when you wake up, you should make your child the habit of drinking a glass of warm water. The first cup of water this morning, not only helps to wash away waste and toxins in the body, but drinking warm water when waking up also helps limit the symptoms of constipation for children, is a way to treat children with constipation. simple.

Give your child plenty of water to drink

Add a lot of green vegetables and ripe fruits to your child's menu

This is the best way for parents to provide fiber and essential vitamins for their children. Mothers should add to the child's diet vegetables that have a laxative effect such as sweet potato, spinach, jute vegetables or papaya, orange, grapefruit ... to help treat constipation in children.

Add a lot of green vegetables and ripe fruits to your child's menu

For children who do not like to eat vegetables, mothers can change the way of processing, can present vegetables into funny and lovely shapes to attract children's attention. In addition, mothers can also make smoothies or fruit juices for children to drink easily. Children will enjoy the glasses of orange or papaya juice with more eye-catching colors!

Teach children the habit of going to the toilet on time

Parents can completely train their children to have the habit of going to the toilet on time. This good habit should be formed at an early age. Going to the toilet on time, sitting on the right potty and focusing when defecating helps the baby to form a conditioned reflex, making it easier for the child to have a bowel movement to treat constipation.

Carrying out baby belly massage

The remedy for constipation in children by massaging the baby's belly is a method of treating constipation to help stimulate the child's bowel movements. The massage will be conducted as follows: the mother puts her palm on the navel and rubs the baby's abdomen in the direction from the navel, to the right, around the navel to the left, counterclockwise and also along the colon. This massage is both comfortable for the baby and helps treat constipation in children.

Add more fiber to help treat constipation

Fiber is very good for the digestive system. When entering the intestine, fiber absorbs water, swells to help increase stool volume and stimulates peristalsis to increase contractions to expel stool. Fiber is also a suitable environment for bacteria to ferment to use as food, helping to balance intestinal microflora, ensuring a healthy digestive system. Parents try to increase fiber in each child's meal (100-300g of fruit and 100-300g of green vegetables a day, depending on the age of the child).

Add more fiber to help treat constipation

However, according to nutritionists, choosing fiber supplements is necessary but not enough to treat constipation in children. By processing and feeding children vegetables and fruits properly, they will provide enough fiber content needed for children with constipation. In addition to the general rule of not processing (cooking) vegetables too thoroughly to avoid losing the fiber content and vitamins in vegetables, it is necessary to give children both the water and the flesh of these foods.

The above are home remedies for constipation in children that parents can apply at home. To find and buy nutritious products that are good for your baby's health, recommended by experts, please visit the website or contact Hera directly at:


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