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The Truth That Powdered Milk Doesn't Cause Diabetes

2022-10-06 16:47:33

Patients need to have a suitable diet to ensure enough nutrients while keeping blood sugar stable. So is non-diabetic powdered milk real? What milk is best for the patient? Let's refer to the article below to get the answer.

Patients need to have a suitable diet to ensure enough nutrients while keeping blood sugar stable. So is non-diabetic powdered milk real? What milk is best for the patient? Let's refer to the article below to get the answer.

Powdered milk does not cause diabetes

Does the patient drink milk powder cause diabetes or not?

Currently, there are quite a lot of rumors that drinking milk will be bad for diabetes and many diabetics even eliminate milk from their diets. However, this mistake is unintentionally harmful because if abstinence is excessive, the body will lack substances, reduce resistance, and debilitate. This makes the disease worse and the patient will be more susceptible to other opportunistic diseases.

Many nutritionists have confirmed that patients can completely drink fresh milk as usual. Along with that, drinking milk must also be suitable for the health, nutritional needs and physical condition of the patient.

Normally, people with normal diabetes can consume 2-3 servings of milk per day. Each serving is equivalent to about 180ml of milk, 50ml of yogurt and about 30g of cheese. However, this regimen is different for each patient. So, you can use a home blood glucose meter before and 30 minutes after drinking milk to adjust the amount of milk accordingly.

Experience in choosing non-diabetic powdered milk for patients

You should keep in mind that not all milk is good for your health. Here are the criteria for choosing and using milk for patients you need to keep in mind:

Using plant-based milk is the best

Powdered milk does not cause diabetes

One cup of plant-based milk provides about 130 calories, 0.5 grams of fat and 10 grams of sugar. This amount of nutrition is considered appropriate for these patients. In addition, using plant-based milk also helps regulate blood pressure in diabetics. So, instead of using cow's milk, fresh milk, you can use soy milk, almond milk, nuts milk.

Should choose skim milk powder, skimmed fat

Whole milk is often high in saturated fat, which increases the risk of cardiovascular complications in people with diabetes. Therefore, you should choose skim, skim milk to use.

The most suitable serving for people with diabetes is about 225g of skim milk, equivalent to 2 glasses of milk per day.

Use powdered milk suitable for your body and diet

Patients have a higher risk of osteoporosis than the general population. Therefore, you should choose milk with added calcium to help keep bones healthy and prevent osteoporosis.

In addition, you need to pay attention to your health and nutrition. Once the diet has provided the necessary energy, you may not need to supplement milk. Patients should also use unsweetened milk to ensure stable blood sugar levels.

What is the best way to use milk for sick people?

According to nutritionists, if the patient eats too much, it will not be good, because it can cause lack of nutrients, not enough energy, causing body weakness and rapid weight loss. Therefore, adding a sufficient amount of formula exclusively for patients daily will actively support the treatment process.

Total daily calories per person will depend on age, gender, height, weight, lifestyle, health. For patients who regularly eat 3 main meals, it is necessary to add 2-3 glasses of milk to the snack every day 1-2 hours after eating the main meal. For patients with physical weakness, malnutrition or eating less, it is necessary to increase the number of times a day to ensure enough energy and maintain the best health. In special cases, the patient should use it as prescribed by the doctor.

Some things to keep in mind when choosing powdered milk for patients

Patients should use milk products exclusively for patients, should not arbitrarily use other dairy products without the permission of the doctor. Because whole milk powder products, fresh milk with sugar will increase the amount of lactose, increase the risk of heart disease and will adversely affect health as well as the treatment process.

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