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Tips to help take care of digestive infections in children

2022-08-10 16:12:23

Among the most deadly infectious diseases in children is gastrointestinal infections in children. To help your child quickly recover from illness, daily care is extremely important. In the following article, Hera Organic will share with parents the secret to helping take care of children suffering from infections in the digestive tract.

Among the most deadly infectious diseases in children is gastrointestinal infections in children. To help your child quickly recover from illness, daily care is extremely important. In the following article, Hera Organic will share with parents the secret to helping take care of children suffering from infections in the digestive tract.

Gastrointestinal infections in children are on the rise

In recent months, the number of children hospitalized due to diagnoses related to digestive infections has increased. The initial symptoms are diarrhea and fever, so the family often buys medicine for the child to take. At the stage of high fever, even stomach bleeding, they were taken to the hospital.

According to medical experts, the time period from gastrointestinal infection in children to recovery can last from a few days to a few weeks. The incubation period is usually from 2 to 5 days, can also be from 1 to 10 days depending on the condition of each person. When the digestive tract is infected, the child has loose stools, which may be mixed with mucus and white blood cells. Children who are not treated with antibiotics can shed the bacteria within 2-7 days.


Gastrointestinal infections in children tend to increase

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Care regimen for children with gastrointestinal infections

According to the recommendations of nutritionists,   many parents do not know, should give their children an excessive diet, making them malnourished and difficult to recover from. Therefore, the issue of proper nutrition when children suffer from this disease is extremely important.

For children who are still breastfeeding, if they have a gastrointestinal infection, they need to increase their feeding time and feeding time. If the baby cannot suckle, the mother needs to express milk and feed the baby with a spoon.


Care regimen for children with gastrointestinal infections

For children who eat solids, it is necessary to divide meals during the day. Mothers should cook for their children to eat soft, easy-to-digest foods so that they can easily absorb nutrients. Foods such as porridge, soup, milk, juice should be prioritized in the child's menu.

For cases of children with mild gastrointestinal infections, parents can treat them at home by giving them rehydration drinks, oreol solutions, diluted fruit juices, salted porridge, and eating normally according to children's needs.

Parents need to take their children to see a doctor as soon as there are unusual signs such as diarrhea with fever, mucus and blood in stools. Or the child is lethargic, sweaty, cold hands and feet, refuses to feed, cannot eat, vomits a lot. Diarrhea many times (5-6 times/hour), watery stools, cloudy stools, no urine or very little urine... otherwise life-threatening.

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The above is a guide to care for digestive infections in children. For more advice on disease care and prevention, parents can refer to the information on the website

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