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What to do when you have a sore throat?

2022-07-19 21:59:46

When experiencing a sore throat, surely everyone wants to get rid of this painful and uncomfortable feeling soon. So how can you quickly overcome a sore throat without using antibiotics? The article below, will help you answer this question.

When experiencing a sore throat, surely everyone wants to get rid of this painful and uncomfortable feeling soon. So how can you quickly overcome a sore throat without using antibiotics? The article below, will help you answer this question.

Drink lots of warm water

When you have a sore throat, you should increase your intake of warm water. Drinking warm water not only helps to keep the body hydrated but also has a soothing effect on the throat. Drinking enough water also helps to thin mucus in the throat and prevent sinus infections.


Drink lots of warm water

Gargle with salt water

When we have a sore throat, medical experts often recommend that we gargle regularly with salt water. The purpose of gargling with salt water is to clean the throat, preventing bacteria from having the opportunity to attack and infect our throat. You can use salt water purchased at drug stores or you can also make your own salt water according to the dosage of 2 grams of salt + 240 ml of water to use.

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Let your body rest as much as possible

A sore throat is most likely a sign that you have a cold, flu, or another medical condition. Therefore, the best way is to let your body rest as much as possible. Not talking much, using a high chair, or backrest and the edge of the bed, chair, will help reduce the discomfort in the throat.

Use lozenges

Using lozenges can help reduce sore throat pain. You can buy these lozenges at any drug store. However, do not use lozenges for children under 4 years old, it is very dangerous because it can cause choking or choking.


Use throat lozenges

Using folk remedies

In addition, you can apply folk remedies to help relieve sore throat without using antibiotics such as steamed kumquats with honey, steamed basil leaves with honey... Used to relieve irritation, help the throat no longer burn or itch, honey also has antibacterial properties and natural sweetness, helping to relieve cough effectively.

A product that effectively minimizes sore throat, recommended by medical experts to be used for children under 2 years old, is AUSPRAY PROPOLIS SPRAY COMPLEX WITH HONEY. The product is produced from the main raw material is honey, which has antioxidant effects, enhances resistance, helps reduce sore throat caused by sore throat.

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Hopefully with the tips that shares will help you overcome sore throat without having to use antibiotics. For more useful information about health care for family members, please follow the articles at website

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